● This week, Dr. Glenn Vo spoke with a fellow entrepreneur with an amazing mission: David Meltzer.
● David is one of Glenn’s life coaches, but he’s more than just a role model for Glenn—David is also a speaker, author, podcaster, attorney, sports agent, TV personality, and a philanthropist (just to name a few of the “roles” he plays).
● So, why does David go above and beyond to create so much value and produce so much content? Well, he has a purpose: to empower thousands of people—like you—with values and practices to effectuate happiness.
● In fact, David’s life mission is to teach over one billion people to make a lot of money and help a lot of other people all while having fun.
● Call him what they will, but David isn’t afraid to tell people the truth. And one truth he believes in is that while money may not buy happiness, it allows you to “shop” for it. He knows that if he can teach you to “shop” for the “right things” for the “right reasons,” then you will be happy.
Productivity tip for Entrepreneurs.
Have an “unwinding routine.” For David, his “tomorrow” starts today. You’ll spend a third of your life sleeping, after all, and most people go to bed only to wake up more tired the next morning. They’ll then wonder why they lack productivity.
A tool that has helped him as an Entrepreneur.
Become a “student of your calendar.” By that, David means you ought to pay attention and give your “five levels of intention.” As an entrepreneur, you can beat people with math if you understand time. Start by taking the activities you have planned and the activities you don’t have planned. Then take the activities you do get paid for and the activities you don’t get paid for.
Favorite Business/Philosophy Book and Why.
Read Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. David reads this classic on a daily basis. Why? First, it’s bifocal of why human nature never changes: the 500 most successful people in the world weren’t so different than you, Dave, or Glenn. Secondly, David sees himself as a more modern Napolean Hill. While Mr. Hill was able to interview 500 people over the course of his life about how they became financially successful, David is able to interview 20-25 people on a daily basis about how they become successful in their respective industries… And, on that note, David was blessed to be in the movie Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy as well as being featured in the book itself.
A significant mistake and what he learned from it.
Believe it or not, one of David’s biggest mistakes was misunderstanding how mistakes work. He thought that mistakes, failures, and setbacks aren’t “protection and promotion” or opportunities to learn but, rather, are forms of punishment.
Likewise, we feel like we’re being punished when we don’t get the job we want or get into the school we want or the relationship we want. But if we look at it omnisciently, all things may very well happen for a reason.
If you could talk to your younger self for one minute, what would you say?
Whether that younger version is 14, 24, or 34 years old—he’d tell him to ask for help. People limit themselves when they don’t ask for help.
David shares his “four values” and “five daily practices” with every one of his clients—people like Glenn himself. And while everyone needs to learn their own values, David shared his: gratitude, forgiveness, accountability, and Faith.
Interested in more? Just reach out to Dave on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. If you want it, he’s got it. However, the best way to contact him is to email him directly at [email protected].