Do you sometimes feel helpless wishing you'd understand your child better? Wishing you had some hack, tip or magic word that would help you in parenting.
In today's episode, we will help you become an empowered parent. To equip you with the right tools that can help you understand your child better.
For this we have with us today kiva Schuler all the way from Boston USA. She is the co-founder of Jai institute of Parenting that helps Parents, grandparents and coaches mentor n caregivers in helping them raise kids right.
We spoke about:
Is there a better way to discipline children which replaces punishments and consequences?
When Conscious Parenting becomes Permissive Parenting where to draw the line?
How can creating boundaries through peaceful communication help us in this problem.
What does a peaceful parenting model mean and how to equip yourself with it to achieve the much deserved mental peace.
what is empowered Parenting and how is it the Antidote to the dominant power parenting model.
P.s. Here is a research-backed tool derived from the experience of hundreds of parents and its free. It includes 8 secret rules for communication with examples. Download it below.
P.p.s If you are a Parent to a pre-teen, teenager or a parent coach then this is for you.
Here is a another surprise join me for a free workshop on the 30th of April at 12:30 IST.
Here i will talk about the causes of common clashes between parents and teens. And how can proper communication help you in dealing with teen behaviours like arguing, disrespectful parenting, rebel, not listening until you’ve said the 4th time and lost your cool.
FREE WORKSHOP- “secrets to communication with teenagers”
MY COURSE for parents of tweens and teenagers.
From “instructional to conversational” parenting.
Find all the goodies here.
You can connect with kiva schuler on and with me at @doctormommyspeaks on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin.