Tune into my hang session with the one and only- Rocky Mountain High! Briana is currently conquering The American Discovery Trail as the FIRST FEMALE to do it solo. She will wander through 5000+ miles before reaching her final destination in California- a journey that will take her through 15 states. Listen in as I chat with her in REAL time- on trail!
This is only part one of our hang sessions together- stay tuned for part 2 as she hikes midway and then again for part 3 of the end!
Need something inspire to listen to?! THIS EPISODE WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF. It's wildly inspiring and will surely fire you up to do something you've been wanting to do!
Where you can follow Briana!
Rocky Mountain High- on FB ( she goes live from time to time sharing her days! )
Find her website!
On Instagram!
Her blogs + more write ups
If you want to send her some love!