Yaa from Atlanta Georgia, asked: “How do I overcome a mental block when writing copy for my sales letter/funnel?”
My first answer is a question, “did you have coffee?” haha
If no, that always helps get the creative juices flowing…
Also sometimes music helps me too.
But for more practical and actionable steps, this is what you can do:
Write a list of questions relating to what you are selling or offering.
Now you can have a friend get on a Zoom call with you, and ask you these questions 1 by 1 and answer these just like you would in a conversation, like in an interview. Have the zoom call recorded.
Or you can pick up your phone and just record yourself answer one by one.
Example of questions:
1. Who is your ideal client?
2. What are the 3-5 biggest struggles your ideal client has?
3. How would working with you help solve those struggles?
4. What is your core offer? Describe the product or explain the process.
5. What are the primary emotional benefits that have tended to resonate the most with customers?
6. What makes you different from other competitors in your niche?
7. What is NOT your ideal client and you want to exclude from targeting if possible.
8. If you had 60 seconds to sell someone on why your ideal customer should absolutely work with you…
Once you’ve done that and have the recording, you need to simply get these recordings (or interview) transcribed.
Go to rev dot com and submit these recordings to be transcribed. I’ve got a coupon code for you to get $10 off on the first order. http://bit.ly/RevCoupon10off
This should help you get some clarity in your mind about what you are marketing and selling.
Then you can get some simple software online that is free to help you get some structure for your copy.
You can always take things to a new level by checking out Funnel Scripts which is a ClickFunnels product. http://bit.ly/FunnelScripts_Webinar
I also have a “Simple Guide for a Copywriting Business” that I wrote that gives all the tools I would use for Copywriting. https://store.eranbucai.com/simple-guide-for-copywriting-business
If you want free training resource to learn Copywriting I recommend you check out www.copyhackers.com
Eran from eranbucai.com is an online entrepreneur, internet marketer, and business coach.
He answers people’s questions to do with business entrepreneurship, social media, and making money online.
To ask Eran a question, email him on [email protected]