In this episode, Father Genard delves into the vivid imagery of "rubbing salt in the wound," likening it to kicking someone when they are already down. Both actions amplify pain and suffering. The sting of salt or alcohol on an open wound can be excruciating, but it also facilitates healing—a process Father Genard intimately understands from his own experiences with ulcers.
Conversely, pouring cold water on a burn brings immediate relief, also leading to healing. Drawing from the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), he explains how Christ employs similar healing methods using oil and wine—oil to soothe and wine to sting, both fostering healing.
In this parable, the wounds of the man, representing humanity after the fall, symbolize the sufferings and corruptions inflicted by Satan. Christ, the Good Samaritan, uses oil and wine as metaphors for His teachings. The soothing oil represents the joy and comfort derived from Christ's promises, as seen in Matthew 11:28: "Come unto me, all you who are wearied and bearing burdens, and I will give you rest." This passage emphasizes Christ’s willingness to relieve our burdens, inviting us to find rest in Him without coercion.
On the other hand, the stinging wine signifies the discomfort and fear elicited by Christ's warnings. Scriptures such as Matthew 25:30, where the idle servant is cast into outer darkness, or Matthew 7:23, where Christ declares, "I never knew you. Depart from me, ye doers of evil," serve as stark reminders of the consequences of sin. These discomforting words are intended to drive us towards righteousness and sanctification, much like how painful treatments ultimately lead to healing.
Father Genard urges listeners to approach God's word prepared to be both comforted and challenged. The teachings of Christ are designed to lead us to virtue, righteousness, and holiness, drawing us closer to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In embracing both the soothing and stinging aspects of God's word, we find true spiritual healing and fulfillment. To the Holy Trinity be praise, glory, honor, and confession, now and always.
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