The corporate structure of Disney falls into disarray after Walt dies, and the company finds itself in creative paralysis trying to stay true to the “What Would Walt Do” mantra. This, naturally, involves focusing on the parks more than actual movies, which means Alex decides the most prudent thing to do is talk to her dad about accounting and finances for longer than you would expect. Some of our guests sing the praises of The Aristocats from a nostalgic, personal perspective. Terra and Alex, however, are significantly less enthusiastic about having watched this film. They balk at the French-ness of the French setting, comparing the film to 101 Dalmatians in connection to the setting and structure. Alex is annoyed by some characters, namely Thomas O’Malley, who cannot pick a lane in terms of what model of masculinity he wants to follow. Terra takes issue with the Dutchess part of the relationship and how she regards Thomas. Terra fully despises the children, but Alex has a more nuanced read on their depiction. Terra fully adores most of the incidental animal side characters, except for the alley cats for, ya know, REASONS, and all of our guests have similar issues with those characters. Alex waits until the very end of the pod to bring up Edgar, his whole situation, and the class implications therein. Terra and Alex have opinions on Edgar that may be hot or may be ice cold, depends how y’all react to this episode. Tweet us and leave iTunes reviews please, we need to know what the case is.
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