We talk Health, Happiness & MMA with Owen Fox.
In this episode of Dublin Real, we talked with Owen Fox who is a healer, author and life coach. We chatted about all things spiritual and how by first getting your diet in order, your mind will soon follow. We even briefly discusses relationships, something we all need help with.
Unfortunately we had a slight technical issue with Owens camera, which led to the audio going out of sync. So our apologies for that. We are still learning!
Hope you like the Art Deco video format experiment!
Owen is a true gent and we were very happy to have him come in and spread some of his abundant happiness around. To top it all off we discovered that Owen is a fan of Mixed martial Arts. So we were curious how such a humble and peaceful guy balances his own teaching with his love for combat sports. Take a listen to find out!
Find Owen at owenfox.org
Follow Owen on Youtube
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Dublin Real Crew.
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