Welcome to Dudes and Beers. This week we talk to a "not so typical" millennial. She was depressed, dealing with depression and had no where to turn, so she quit her job and left her only known home in search of a passion. That passion has led to a goal-driven beast determined to help others get fit, get mentally healthy and live life to the fullest. She is a student, fitness guru, COO of a workout fashion company and SEO digital marketing director, and oh ya, she plays guitar and sings as well. She also credits a speech from Will Smith as the turning point of her life. She aspires and we believe will obtain a spot on Ted Talks someday.
We do drink beer, well some of us drink beer, others drink...????not sure what that is they are drinking.
Don't forget to follow the Dudes at dudesandbeerspodcast on Facebook and Instagram and @beersdudes on Twitter. Also, feel free to send us questions, feedback or suggestions at [email protected]