Get off my lawn! These people are cray cray with a capital CRAZY!
Also, we talk a lot about wrestling again. So please check out the Panda Himself!
OH and we are doing a theme song contest!! Reach out to Kris to submit entries!
Instagram: datguyfromdathing
tiktok: @datguyfromdatthing
Kris and Rachel have returned after a 2 year break to bring you more stupid commentary, gigglesnorts and weird voices. They are equal opportunity offenders and no one is safe from their soapbox rants on how fun, wild, or stupid something is. Welcome back to the dumbest podcast about nothing that ever was and they still suck at it!
Trying to record and post weekly.
Join the Discord server to inject your own vibes, ideas, comments, complaints and more soapboxes to rant from!
D.U.H Discord:
D.U.H Email: [email protected]
D.U.H Instagram: duh_gram
D.U.H Twitter: @duhpodcast