Eppy 5 Babyyyyyyy
Today I talk about cancel culture (again, shocker!), a story from an open mic, my lack of confidence, my friend got pepper-sprayed, more cancel culture, how I see things ending, recent eye-opening experiences, my first time being the only white guy, I learn that Barstool is being canceled mid podcast, my brother walks in so I stop, why vacation sucks, life has become only about coffee, and I finish on talking about wearing masks and why both sides are annoying. Get me rich and famous- Subscribe, UnSub, ReSub, Download, Share, Leave 5 Star Review and Tell all your friends! And tell me how much you hate me or unfunny I am on social: Instagram/ Twitter: @teejfrancisI hate me too!*Also I said I would never be annoying when talking about masks, that's a lie. I love to on purpose be annoying. What I should have said was I would never publicly cause a problem on purpose, just to stand by something. I would rather cower and not be a public nuisance then be annoying publicly. But to a family member or friend, being annoying is the best.