Chris Soll is the founder of Mindspo which is an online meditation school with a mission to make meditation cool. I met Chris a week before doing this podcast and his presence is felt when you are around him, he has a calming energy that makes you just want to listen to what he says.
Some key points from the podcast:
+ How to combat your procrastination if you are a chaotic person or creative.
+ The journey of his girlfriend Rochelle fox and how meditation saved her
+ How he manifested the Mindspo mansion
+ how to prepare for a better meditation ( stretch before)
+ Guided meditation/ single point meditation / Vadic mantra meditation ( Chris favourite)
+ How the average person is stressed
+ Gratitude makes what you have enough.
+ Number 1 reason why people don't meditate
+ Become the watcher of your thoughts. Don't be your thoughts
+ You can only get to the present if you overcome the voice in your head
+ Seneca: Letters from a Stoic
+ The Tibetan book of the living and dying
I have been trialing Chris meditation course for the past 2 weeks and i can honestly say it has been doing wonders for me. I encourage anyone who is looking to start meditating or want to take it to the next level. Follow the link below or send Chris a message.