This week Jose is left to fend for himself with an AMA style show for the main show because our schedules were so screwed up. let me know what you think!
1:23 - what is the worst part of your job?
2:50 - How do you ground yourself when/if you start feeling existential?
4:54 - What was the scariest thing you’ve seen at a show ?
7:50 - What is the earliest memory you have?
10:15 - What is your favorite thing about yourself?12:54 - What is something you live 10 years ago but wouldn’t recommend now
14:00 - If you could’ve named yourself, What would your name be?
15:20 - What’s your favorite Vine?
16:15 - What was your MySpace song in 2007?
17:14 - What is on your ideal pizza ?
17:38 - What is one dream or aspiration you keep pushing off and never work towards?
18:24 - If you could see any band (together or not) that you’ve never seen before, who would it be?
10:20 - If you could have any animal as a domesticated pet, what would it be?
19:50 - What is your dream job if income wasn’t a worry?
20:28 - When did you get your first phone?
21:30 - Did you use AIM? if so what was your name?
21:50 - What deodorant do you use?
23:09 - Do you like Flan? supposedly it's a divisive desert.
24:10 - How did you get into drums?
25:50 - If you could live anywhere in the world at any given time in history, when and where would you choose? And why?
27:09 - If you could be Friends with any 2 celebrities who would you choose?
28:00 - Would you rather speak every language or the ability to talk to every animal.
28:33 Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?
29:05 - If you had to teach something what would you teach?
29:30 - If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?
30:24 - What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?
31:25 - What is the most defining moment of your life thus far?
32:14 - Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
32:50 - What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?
34:16 - what was the first concert you ever went to?
35:02 - would rather be a Vampire or Werewolf ?
35:31 - what band or album can you listen to forever?
34:45 - outro