We believe that becoming self-aware is a critical component of understanding where one stands when it comes to participating in conversations about race in the United States. Kalinda and Michelle share how self-awareness has allowed them to make an intentional choice about how to engage (or not) in conversations about race.
This episode is part of Educators for Impact’s Enduring Essentials series, which is an ongoing conversation that focuses on sharing concepts, ideas, and sometimes advice for teachers, principals, counselors, and other stakeholders in the education system. In this episode we focus on the question, “How does self-awareness intersect with our call to respond to the racial reckoning in the U.S.?”
“But, at the end of the day, White teachers need to want to address how they contribute to structural racism. They need to join the fight for education justice, racial justice, housing justice, immigration justice, food justice, queer and trans justice, labor justice, and, above all, the fight for humanity.” (Bettina Love) → turning toward suffering