What are some ways to think about a situation where students don’t sing?
This is a big topic, because there are lots of different reasons that students might not sing, and non-participation can take a lot of different forms! Let’s think about some ways to frame the problem, and some questions to ask as we move toward a solution.
In This Episode…
00:00 - My students won’t sing
02:25 - Umbrella Understandings
03:21 - We can’t see motivation
05:22 - We like our students, and our students like us
05:40 - We have consistent routines and procedures
07:02 - We have good relationships with our colleagues
08:23 - This is normal, and we can probably relate
14:33 - What does musicing look like and sound like?
20:09 - Whose music is this?
23:54 - Have we constructed the right task?
25:39 - Activities for scaffolding up
34:54 - Activities for scaffolding down
39: 06 - What’s our experience with managing discomfort?
Find the full show notes at https://victoriaboler.com/elemental-conversations
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