The Emancipation Proclamation Station
Welcome back to the Emancipation podcast station the place to hear about history, researched and retold through the eyes of Middle and High school students
Beginning of World War I:
- Ella - One of the known causes of world war 1 turning into a world war was the alliance system. In 1839, the treaty of London was signed which was where Britain was going to protect the neutrality of Belgium. In 1879 the dual alliance treaty was signed between Germany and Austria-Hungary to protect each other from Russia. Many other alliances were also forming at the time.
Ethan - Germany’s navy was starting to get threatening to Britain’s navy. Britain took necessary precautions and signed a document with France called the Entente Cordial, tipping the odds of any war in in their favor. This made Germany realize they were a threat and thought they were being pushed back down, so in turn they became more aggressive and ready for war.Hunter- something that happened about three months before the war was the assassination of: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, on June 28 1914, in Sarajevo, resulting in the July Crisis. How Austria-Hungary responded to this assassination was by issuing an ultimatum to Serbia. Serbia’s reply to the ultimatum didn’t satisfy the Austrians, afterword the two moved to a war footing.Emma - The power that the nations of Germany and Italy possessed at the beginning of the first world war was impressive as it was, but we have to take into account how quickly they had acquired it. Both of these countries, though they had deep cultural roots, were very new as official nations. Both had formed during the Franco-Prussian war barely more than forty years previous but now held power over regions stretching from Africa to east Asia.Audrey - Starting in 1892 there was an alliance between France and Russia and this was the Franco Russian Military Convention. Then in the early 1900s there were a series of agreements between Great Britain France and Russia so that they were in good terms with each other. The alliance between Great Britain France and Russia was the Triple Entente (which means agreements).Skylar - World war I or sometimes known as the Great War started on July 28th, 1914, the war started in Europe. The war was in Africa, the middle east, Pacific islands, indian ocean, China, north and south atlantic oceans, and like i said Europe. They think that this war killed about 16 million people died from direct cause of this war. Gabe - The war started basically because russia wanted to protect serbia and germany wanted to protect austria so when austria went to fight serbia russia went to fight germany Ben - America only began to fight in World War 1 in 1917 ( April 6th to be specific ) with their allies. They had alliances with Russia, Britain, and France at the time, making them a strong force at the time. Led by major General John J. Pershing, 2 million American soldiers fought despite many American citizens wanting the country to stay neutral.Other fronts of World War I:
1.Hunter- One of the many different fronts of the war was the Italian front, the italians were apart of the Triple Alliance during this time, but italy stayed out of the war in 1914 because it claimed that Austria had not been attacked so therefor italy didn’t have to support Austria. In all reality the Italians had a secret agreement with the allies, the allies said that they would give the italians some Austrian territory if they attacked Austria-Hungary.
- EthanOL - As soon as the war started Japan decided they wanted what the Germans had. Japan was already allied Britain so that they could attack Germany without Britain growing apart from them. They attacked Tsingtao which was a German base in China. This was the first naval/aerial assault ever. They didn’t use exactly aircraft carriers but they did carry their aircrafts. This was called the Siege of Tsingtao which took place in 1914.
Ella - Serbia was a very small country with approximately 4.5 million people and an army of around 400,000 soldiers. Almost everyone who could be in the army at the time was in it but it still ended up being destroyed with 60% of the army getting killed, which decreased Serbia's population by 16%. Emma - Italy’s agreements with the Triple Alliance and the Allies were only two of a long series of strategic alliances and deals the nation made on the road to the first world war. Their entry into the Triple Alliance was the first move, which was actually a surprising one, due to the fact that Italy and the Austro-Hungarian empire (another member of the triple alliance) had been enemies previously. Twenty years later, which still under this pact, they made a secret alliance with France. Twelve years after that, the Austro-Hungarian empire entered the war. Only one year later, they entered the treaty of London, an agreement with the Triple entente (england, russia, and france) to fight against their original allies, exit the triple alliance, and declare war on the Austro-Hungarian empire.5.Skylar - Italy took part in the triple alliance in 1882 when they agreed to be apart of it, they were one of the first countries to take part in it. The whole reason that it was called the triple alliance was because there were three countries in it Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany. This was kind of a weird mix because they didn’t really like each other but still said they would protect each other if worse comes to worst. Italy was making deals with other places like france in 1902. It was kind of just a lot of back stabbing.
- Gabe - The Italians helped the allies by attacking austria hungary which is in the triple alliance so basically they made an alliance and were like let's help each other i mean we all don't like each other and would love to see each other destroyed so why not make an alliance really smart and then they dont even help each other its completely useless
Ben - Japan played a big part in the fight for the West Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Most of the reason Japan fought was because they wanted influence in China, but even with the help of Sun Yat-sen, they didn’t have many successes.Western and Eastern fronts of World War I:
1.Hunter- during this time in the war the Germans were fighting two countries, one of which during the western front was France, the Germans had thought if they were to defeat the French (Russia’s ally) in four weeks then they could have an advantage against the Russians in the Eastern front.
- Ethan- The Germans realized that after the Franco-Prussian War, they were going to be due for another war with France. Germany unified in advance to make sure France had a disadvantage. The humiliation was huge and Germany took Alsace and Lorraine, which were mineral rich and valuable to anyone who controlled it. Germany realized this might hurt them later because France was allied with Russia so if there was war that it’d be on 2 fronts.
Ella - The western front in world war 1 was much smaller that the eastern front, but the western front could uses trenches as a defence system since they had less land to defend. The eastern front however, could not use this method due to the land being so wide and them not having enough people to dig them. Even if they were able to dig some, they wouldn't have enough and the western people could easily go around.Emma - In February of the year 1916, the battle of Verdun took place when the Germans launched an attack on the French military at the border between Germany and France. Unlike a lot of the other offensive acts in the war, this battle was not intended to result in the gain of territory for the Germans. The point of this attack was to cause the French to send so many troops, and to cause so many casualties that the French would deplete all their resources and be forced to withdraw from the war.Audrey - In WW1 the Germans were using poison gas as a weapon. Some of the poison gases are chlorine gas, which would immediately cause you to choke to death, phosgene gas, which wouldn’t cause choking and this allowed the gas to get into to lungs and there was a delayed effect, and mustard gas, another that wouldn’t cause choking but it would cause severe blistering which would take you out of the war. Ben - Germany eventually gained peace with Russia on May 3rd, 1918. Russia accomplished this by giving Germany a significant amount of land. This was done under the Bolshevik Government of Russia, which was founded in 1917 after a revolution overthrew the provisional government.Skylar- After the battle of Verdun the british and the French decide to go against a different part of the front, this time close to the Somme river in july of 1916. This battle was the first time they used tanks, it was an extremely bloody battle.Blockades and American entry:
- Hunter- On May 7, 1915, a German submarine sunk the British ocean liner called Lusitania, ending in the deaths of nearly 1,200 people and that includes 128 Americans. The event strained diplomatic relations between Washington and Berlin, and turned public opinion on Germany.
Skylar - the united states had maintained being neutral in the war up until this point, Wilson had just won presidency again because he had kept the US out of the war. Germany was getting pretty desperate so they were going to go back to their idea of unrestricted submarine warfare but they knew if they did that the US would side with their allies. In january of 1917 the Zimmerman Telegram was created by Arthur Zimmerman sent a encoded telegram to mexico, it was encoded because it had to pass through lines that the US controlled. He told them that he knows a way to slow them down. (if someone wants to go off of this that would b awesome)3.Ethan - In April 1917 the administration had thought about it and Germany had took it too far, with their submarine warfare. President Wilson decided that war on Germany was inevitable and sent a famous message to Congress for why it needs to go to war with Germany. On April 4th Congress decided to allow war on Germany, and war pursued quickly. Now, many people were deciding for themselves why we were at war. Many public opinion were stated, some saying it was inevitable, some saying we should stay out of war.
- Ella - So the United States entered world war 1 for multiple reasons including them having financial ties, trade ties, and cultural ties with the British. Another reason being the British using a lot of successful propaganda.
Gabe - im a take a step back to skylar so the encoded telegram was intercepted by the british and then shared with america and it said that they would help mexico take texas arizona and new mexico back from the united states if they helped the germans in the warAudrey - In November of 1914 the British declared the entire North Sea a war zone so if a ship came they would probably be destroyed. The ships especially couldn’t carry any contraband, and food was considered a contraband. So the Germans and the Austrians had to start rationing food to the point of eating only 1k calories a day. This was making the central powers weaker not only because they couldn’t get what they needed for war but people were dying and there were about 400k deaths due to starvation.Emma - In 1917, Senator George Norris issued a speech in opposition to the entry of the United States of America into the World War. In his speech he acknowledged that both England and Germany were wrong in the actions of war they had chosen to take; declaring certain areas war zones, but he did not support the entry into the war and listed several alternative actions that could have been taken. Ben - Most of the American soldiers starting arriving and began fighting on the battlefields of france on the twenty sixth of June. Britain and France also sent additional officers to help train the newly drafted American soldiers.World War I shapes the Middle East:
1.Hunter- The first world war truly shaped the middle east, but the aftermath of the war made the largest change in the region as we know it. One of the events that had changed the middle east was when Russia had staked a claim on Istanbul and waterways linking the Black seas to the Mediterranean seas, and the French claimed Syria and Cilicia in modern day Turkey.
- Skylar - the British wanted the help of the Arab’s because they wanted them to fight the Ottoman’s on the Palestine and Sinai fronts. So they told Hussein bin ali if he helped them that they would give him free territory, for an independent arab state and he agrees. After that he names himself king of the Hejaz in 1916.
Ethan - Britain had a presence in the Middle East at the time of the end of the war. Egypt was under the protection of Britain, and when they didn’t get freedom until 1922 there was a sort of revolt. In the end the Egyptians won this slight war and obtained their freedom. At this time Britain was also protecting Kuwait and they have since the 1800s. They still did not get their freedom handed to them until 1961.Ella - In 1915, 6,500 people from the British army were sieged in Kut, after retreating from Ctesiphon by the ottoman Empire for 147 days till they were forced to surrender. Gabe - The Ibn Saud ruled the basically the other side of saudi arabia right next to Hussein bin ali and he actually goes and takes the Hejaz empire and declares himself king of the sauds in the hejaz in 1926 and this is how you get saudi arabiaEmma - The British troops (made up of all the various countries that were part of the British empire, such as India and New Zealand) started their Middle Eastern campaign at the southern end of Mesopotamia, near the Persian gulf. They moved northward along the Tigris river, capturing land until they held control over the majority of what is now Iraq. Meanwhile on the other side of the land mass in Egypt, they were on the defensive side of the war for quite a while while the Ottomans attempted, and failed, to take capture Suez canal from British control.7.Ben - After the Middle East changed, a lot of its boundaries and borders did too. They looked a lot closer to what they look like today. This happens a lot with very large wars because tons of land gets conquered, traded, or destroyed.
- Skylar - Woodrow Wilson gave a speech on January 8th, 1918 that is called Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points. The fourteen points were statements that Wilson gave to try to make peace with everyone and end the war. During his speech he talked about why he thought the war started and what they could do to end it with peace instead of hatred. He talked about free trade, how all conversations should be open for everyone to see, freedom of navigation, and many more things.
2.Hunter- the aftermath of this war truly was amazing, this war had changed so much of the world that we know now, for instance: WW1 had brought about the temporary political disruption of four venerable dynasties-- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Turkey. This war also brought up a massive social disruption, as millions of women entered the workforce to support men who had went to war, and to replace those who never came back.
- Ella - World War one ended at the end of 1918, so in 1919 they started discussing the terms of peace so they held the Paris Peace conference. Now during the peace conference the winners decide the “terms of peace” but they all had different outlooks about it (someone plz build off of me if you can if not cool tho
Gabe - One of the “Terms of peace” that came out of the Paris Peace conference is the Treaty of Versailles which probably was the treaty to germany it said that germany was gonna pay for all of the allies losses they had to pay something like 60 billion in today's money and that's not including the resources they payed they also were only allowed to have 100,000 men in there army there weren't allowed to have any u boats battleships tanks basically nothing mechanized and we took lots of their territory and split and was given to the allies5..Emma - The Treaty of Versailles had a huge effect on the German economy and government at the time. Another term of the treaty was that they were not allowed to make an alliance with Austria, due to the cultural and linguistic ties between the two. They were also occupied by the allies in the Saar region of Germany, near the French border. This area was a large coal mining area and for fifteen years, all the coal mined there got shipped to France. That still left a large portion of reparations to be paid back in currency so the government basically printed a ton of money, and tried to convert it into other currencies which resulted in serious inflation all the way into the twenties. So when that happened and they could no longer pay in money, France occupied the Ruhr region and began shipping steel and coal out of there.
- Ethan - WWI left many families without a parent or without a child to come home to. Many soldier died in battle and from starvation, so in turn this was one of the most bloody battles in history. The U.S. lost approximately 116,708 soldiers in war. Not to mention the prisoners of war that died from many causes like starvation and disease. For those whose remains were never found we have the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. This is a tradition that has been kept up since 1931 and have never not been guarded since then
Ben - Strangely enough, World War 1 kind of helped Japan’s economy. The demand for japanese products became very large and the economy flourished for a time. This also happened similarly in America, because the American economy in the 1920’s was doing very nice. Audrey - There were approximately 16 million deaths due to WWI 8-10 million being military. About 60% of the soldiers deaths were the Entente and 40% were the Central Powers. But 6-7 million that died were civilians and out of that over a million of the civilian deaths were due to direct military action were the rest was caused by starvation and disease.