SIDE A: Sevilla, Waugh, King, Billingsley, Valley, Hardstark, Strickland, Glinnen, Rose, Galleran, Vincent, March & Georgeson.
An anthology of poetry, drama, sound art, and music. Featuring twelve performances, readings, and improvisations. Addictions, obsessions, swarming bees, shattering glass, gardens and flames.
‘The Failed Sorcerer’ by Karlo Sevilla, voiced by Tamla Quipse
‘Balance in the Spot Where I Stand’ by Seanan Palmero Waugh, voiced by Ramon Suzara
‘In which diagnosis makes it easier to get work done’ by Sophie King
‘Chaos is Your New / Garden’ compiled and performed by Jacob Billingsley
‘Stage Directions for a Stick in the Wind’ & ‘The Word’ by Rebecca Valley
‘Shoes’ by Michael Hardstark, performed by Erica Jackson
‘Mutatis Mutandis’ by Garett Strickland
‘Long Beach, Saturday Morning’ by Rich Glinnen
‘Leaving a Hole’ by Arianna Rose
‘Attachment’ & ‘Memory’ by Kate Galleran
‘Elegant Carnage’ by Allison Vincent, performed by Charlie Diamond
‘Death Chant’ performed by Mark Georgeson & Charles March
This episode is part one of the second installation of Empty Salon, a radio-gala and anthology series to complement and complicate our regular programming. Follow Empty Room on Twitter or Instagram @emptyroomradio for updates on the project and upcoming episodes of the salon.
View the anthology online now at