Episode 299: Serving Up Some Summer: Serving with Summer Missionaries
I know its November but in order to have a summer missionary serve in your ministry, you have to start now if not earlier.
Should we have summer missionaries serve with us?
Inexpensive staff
Short term commitment
Helps a young person learn about ministry
How to prepare
Plan out the who what when why and how
Who - why type of person would be best to serve with you?also how many ie 1 male or female or 2 male or 2 female
What would you want them to do? Will that be enough to keep them busy? Be reasonable and allow for some time off and fun experiences.
Set up schedule - typical is June 1 to July 30
Be prepared to explain the why to your church so that you have buy in for providing housing and other needs
How will you provide their needs? Housing, food, transportation.
How to find a summer missionary -
Do 1-5 in December Do 6-9 in January through April
Start by asking other area churches
Connect with local College Campus ministries
Ask your state or national denomination
Develop your elevator speech
Why should they come to serve with you?
What will they experience?
What is the time frame of service?
It should sound fun!
Develop marketing materials - fliers and other items with QR that leads to a website explaining your place of service.
Interview potential missionaries
Have them take a personality inventory
ask yourself "could I deal with this person daily for 2 months?"
Make a commitment to help them grow. - plan to have them do bible study with you and meet weekly
During the summer plan a couple of fun activities to take them on.
Send them home feeling blessed - financially, swag etc (get your church to make a big blessing bag to send with them back to school.
Keep in touch. Send text or cards letting them know you are praying for them in school.