What's the best investment you can make? Any investment in yourself. It’s not selfish to take care of you. In fact, if you're not cared for how can you care for anyone else? To sustain growth in our faith, family, fitness, and finances we must make regular deposits into ourselves. When you learn something new, when you eat better, when you chase a passion, these are all ways to invest in yourself. If you don’t take the time and make it a priority you’ll find yourself broken and empty, unable to give to others. So fuel your energy, your vision, and your passion… invest in you!
Investing in self sustains growth in:
Investing in yourself looks like:
Learning and educated yourself
Nutrition and exercise
Time for yourself and meeting your own needs
Investing in things that help you fulfill your purpose
Invest in things you are passionate about
Feed your soul to fuel your:
Energy levels
When we don’t invest in ourselves, we:
Stay immature
Stay irresponsible
When we forsake ourselves for others, we:
We start giving from an empty cup
We start to burn out
We become empty
We neglect ourselves
Feeding ourselves gives us:
Ability to feed others
I am the Straight-Edged Entrepreneur. Survivor of abuse, ward of the court, runaway, and a drug addict by 14 years old. Now entrepreneur & businessman. I had a spiritual encounter that changed everything in my life. Now I’m connecting with other entrepreneurs who are on the same path to health and pursuing holistic living. You don’t have to go down this road alone. Join the SEE community!