Hi Everyone!
Here is this week's clearing to release anything accumulated from the last week as we move through the "Coronavirus Experience" together. In this week's clearing I am addressing Collective Fear/Worry, I also address any discomfort you are holding around being in the Unknown, Boosting your immune system and releasing blocks to Compassion both for yourself and toward others who may be acting less than stable. I hope you enjoy this clearing-- please let me know!! During the clearing I mention a few health related links I have found helpful and supportive.
Here they are: Markus and Cara: https://youtu.be/Vpr5WJRM9Yc
In case you think Markus and Cara are a little “out there,” here is a beautiful inspiring testimonial video from people who have implemented their nutrition advice:
Fully Raw Kristina: 10 things you can do to boost your immune system: