FAQs about EU Law NOW:How many episodes does EU Law NOW have?The podcast currently has 13 episodes available.
January 11, 2023Religion at work and the limits of paid annual leave in the Court of Justice's case-lawEmilija Berzanskaite discusses with Elijah Granet the latest judgment of the Court of Justice on the use of the hijab in the workplace, and with Amalie Frese over the right of paid annual leave in the case of serious illness of the worker....more24minPlay
December 01, 2022A conversation with J. Lindeboom on the impact of the Google Android Judgment of the General CourtEmilija Berzanskaite talks with Justin Lindeboom on the impact of the Google Android Judgment of the General Court of the EU, a landmark decision on the notion of abuse in digital markets, and many other key issues...more23minPlay
November 16, 2022Tax, gambling and the internal market: a conversation with S. van der Vlugt and V. DelhommeRecent developments in taxation, gambling and fundamental freedoms in the internal market. Emilija Berzanskaite discusses the recent rulings of the Court of Justice on these matters with Sam van der Vlugt and Vincent Delhomme...more26minPlay
October 11, 2022Banks under stress and EU law in the latest case-law of the Court of Justice of the EUEmilija Berzanskaite in conversation on the AVLB Bank and Banka Slovenije judgments with Barbora Budinska and Janja Hojnik...more24minPlay
September 15, 2022Russia Today France vs. Council: what's new in the General Court's judgment?Emilija Berzanskaite talks with Celia Chalet and Walter Bruno on the implications of the General Court's major ruling in the case of Russia Today France vs. Council...more20minPlay
July 27, 2022Data transfers and content moderation in the recent case law of the Court of JusticeEmilija Berzanskaitie discusses with Albert Miglio the latest ruling of the Court of Justice on data transfers, and with Bernd Justin Jutte about content moderation and the validity of art. 17 of the CDSM Directive...more29minPlay
July 13, 2022Consumer protection in the latest trends of the CJEU's case-lawEmilija Berzanskaite talks with Enrique Vallines on the latest rulings of the Court of Justice on consumer protection and res iudicata, and with Sarah Drake on the recent developments in the case-law on passenger rights....more26minPlay
June 30, 2022EU Law NOW: Mutual recognition in EU asylum law and the European Arrest WarrantA conversation with Janine Silga on the recent case-law on asylum law and mutual recognition, and with Leandro Mancano on the two-step test in the European Arrest Warrant...more30minPlay
May 25, 2022A conversation on Brexit and EU External Relations case-lawEmilija Berzanskaite discusses with Emily Hancox on the impact of the Opinion of the AG on the status of UK nationals after Brexit, and with Graham Butler on the implications of the recent ruling in Commission/Council, on the (failed) reintroduction of unanimity voting....more22minPlay
April 22, 2022EU Law NOW: The Intel judgment and the Commission's new anti-coercion instrumentEmilija Berzanskaite discusses with Lena Hornkohl the implications of the General Court's recent Intel judgment, and the potential impact of the Commission's proposal of the anti-coercion instrument with Jan Dunin-Wasowicz....more27minPlay
FAQs about EU Law NOW:How many episodes does EU Law NOW have?The podcast currently has 13 episodes available.