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A podcast of Eucharist Church in San Francisco that explores what it looks like for a community of disciples to live all of life in reference to Christ.... more
FAQs about Eucharist:How many episodes does Eucharist have?The podcast currently has 503 episodes available.
March 12, 2025Our Story As Resistance | Amy LeeA homily delivered by Amy Lee on the first Sunday of Lent, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Deuteronomy 26:1-15Psalm 91:1-16Romans 10:4-13Luke 4:1-13...more19minPlay
March 12, 2025In Consolation And Desolation | Fr. Kyle LoganA homily delivered by Fr. Kyle Logan on the last Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2025. The Lectionary texts were -- Exodus 34:29-35Psalm 991 Corinthians 12:27-13:13Luke 9:28-36...more18minPlay
February 27, 2025What Thomas (Actually) Doubted | Deacon Jeff StillA homily delivered by Deacon Jeff Still on the seventh Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Isaiah 16:1-4Psalm 96Romans 10:9-17John 20:19-31...more20minPlay
February 18, 2025Blessed are the Rooted | Fr. Kyle LoganA homily delivered by Fr. Kyle Logan on the sixth Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Jeremiah 17:5-10Psalm 11 Corinthians 15:12-20Luke 6:17-26...more21minPlay
February 12, 2025Something About Seeing | Elliott HaughtA homily delivered by Elliott Haught on the fifth Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Judges 6:11-24Psalm 851 Corinthians 15:1-11Luke 5:1-11...more17minPlay
February 03, 2025The Strife Is Over | Fr. John TrammellA homily delivered by Fr. John Trammell on the fourth Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Malachi 3:1-4Psalm 84Hebrews 2:14-18Luke 2:22-40...more23minPlay
January 27, 2025Inauguration Day | Doug LeeA homily delivered by Doug Lee on Sunday, January 26, 2025, the third Sunday of Epiphany. The lectionary texts were --Nehemiah 8:1-12Psalm 1131 Corinthians 12:12-27Luke 4:14-21...more21minPlay
January 19, 2025The Master of the Banquet | Fr. John TrammellA homily delivered by Fr. John Trammell on the second Sunday of Epiphanytide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Isaiah 62:1-5Psalm 961 Corinthians 12:1-11John 2:1-11...more19minPlay
January 07, 2025Patiently Waiting | Fr. Kyle LoganA homily delivered by Fr. Kyle Logan on the second Sunday of Christmastide, 2025. The Lectionary texts were -- Jeremiah 31:7-14Psalm 84Ephesians 1: 3-14Luke 2:22-40...more22minPlay
January 07, 2025Christmas Is For Children | Doug LeeA homily delivered by Doug Lee on the first Sunday of Christmastide, 2024. The Lectionary texts were -- Isaiah 61:10-62:5Psalm 147:12-20Galatians 3:23-4:7John 1:1-18...more20minPlay
FAQs about Eucharist:How many episodes does Eucharist have?The podcast currently has 503 episodes available.