Welcome to the show where Craig & Jeremy talk about absolutely nothing at all, but spend a considerable amount of time doing so.
There's simply too much to recap in one paragraph, so here's the Cliff's Notes: Arrested Development, Avengers: Infinity Wars (hardly any spoilers), Solo, Deadpool, Salt 'n Peppa's Shoop video, Remax, Coldwell Banker, Childish Gambino, SNL, God Bless Texas, hiding a pint of eaten ice cream, the god damn neighbors, Am I a Jerk, nice people are assholes, AND SO MUCH MORE!
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Or you can even leave us a voicemail at 620-270-1378.
Eureka's Twitter: Show: @eurekapodcast Jeremy: @aintnoswayze Craig: @anaveragegatsby
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eurekapodcast
The closing song is "This is America" by Childish Gambino.