Let's start with a question: who is your website for?
Existing students or future students? If you answered, future students, you're right. So, whatever information you put on your website has to convince your prospective Students or Parents to stay, look around, and sign up for your classes, camps, or other activities.
When a potential student lands on your website, the first impression is everything: you have 10 seconds to grab their attention. Otherwise, they click away and move on to their next option, which is your competitor's website. Once they have stayed, you also need to see who is interested in your activities and make it easy for them to take the next step.
In this episode, we will cover the 3 mistakes to avoid and what to do instead so people stay on your website and ultimately choose you as their only option.
Imagine your studio website as an online dating profile where people focus on making a lasting impression on potential matches—or future students in your Studio! Just like in the world of online Dating, you want to captivate visitors by choosing your Studio over the competition.
The online profile is clear on who the person is. They facilitate a way to find out who is interested (swipe left and right) and how to take the next step.
Same for your website. Does your website capture people's attention in 10 seconds so they do not click away? Do you have a way to find out who is interested and get them to sign up with you? If not, don't worry. We will cover these 3 essential elements right now:
1. It is easy to understand.
What you do
Who you serve
How to find out more
2. Has form to capture leads
3. Has easy online sign-up
While a nice design is important, your website's success depends on effectively answering these questions and providing a professional, user-friendly experience. By ensuring a seamless and informative journey for potential students and parents, you'll position your studio as a top contender in the industry.
Your website is only one element of your marketing. If you want to see the complete list of your marketing, go listen to episode # 12, which shows you how Marketing is like Dating. Once you listen to episode # 12, it will be clear how marketing works and the exact steps to fill up your classes.
I hope this episode was helpful, and now I want to get your focus on your website to make sure you have all 3 elements: simple and clear to understand, capture leads, and a smooth sign-up process.
And if you still need to do so, please join our private Facebook group Creative Studio Owners to be with other like-minded Creative Studio owners, exchange ideas, learn from each other, and spread your wisdom.