In this inaugural episode of Everyday Thriving for Women, we share who we are, the birth story of the podcast, what you can expect each week and an invitation to our listeners.
You can find the poem that Mmabatho reads on this episode, "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, on the poet’s website here:
Caroline Hopkins heads up Zebra Blue's women's empowerment and leadership initiatives. She is dedicated to supporting smart, caring women leaders to identify, hone and lead using their unique gifts. She is an accomplished international trainer, facilitator and professional coach with over 25 years of experience in supporting people in their professional and personal growth. Connect with Caroline at or [email protected] or
Mmabatho Nkambule is the founder and owner of Tshukudu Consulting, a small consultancy with a focus on leadership training, coaching and communications. She has close to 20 years’ corporate experience working in industries ranging from insurance, healthcare, and information technology spending approximately half of that period specifically in the organisational learning and development space. She is a strong advocate of mentorship and coaching as a way to support emerging leaders.
Connect with Mmabatho at or [email protected] or