Returning after a few months' absence, I'm on my own in this episode, discussing the location of our new church plant and my failure to consider factors beyond just the price of a meeting place.
I couldn't find the exact list I reference at minute [04:46], but here a similar one.
At minute [05:49] I mention visiting with Pastor Tommy Swindol of The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, TN and church planter Ed Goode of Bridge Church in Champaign, IL on drive across the country. If you're nearby, you need to connect with these brothers!
At minute [06:24] I talk about going to the Ark Encounter. You can learn more here.
At minute [07:17] I recommend Brian Moran's book The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months. You can get a copy here.*
At minute [09:26] I answer the burning question, Where did you get your outfit? You can get the same blue light glasses here,* but you'd have to compete in this event to get the t-shirt.
At minute [10:16] I mention River Community Church in South Jordan, UT where I filled in some this summer. You can watch my message from Acts 20:17-31 here and my message from Acts 21:1-14, an exploration of New Testament prophecy, here.
At minute [23:04] I talk about real estate websites and their descriptions of the various neighborhoods. Here is an example. Here is another one.
At minute [29:23] I reference several churches that have met in downtown Provo at various times, including First Baptist Church, The Rock Church, and, currently, Mosiac Church. These are some great brothers and sisters!
At minute [31:56] I begin discussing an article titled "Ten Mistakes Church Planters Make" by Robert J. Vajko. You can read it here. You can learn more about Bob Logan, whose presentation is sited in the article, here.
At minute [45:12] I talk about using World Population Review to find growth statisitics for counties and states. Check it out here.
At minute [45:57] I talk about PIPSY—Poor, International, Prisoner, Sick, and, thanks to the suggestion of my friend Kevin Banberger, Youth—as outlined in Chris Galanos's book From Megachurch to Multiplication: A Church's Journey Toward Movement. You can get a copy here.* Also, be sure to watch our Q&A with Chris here.
At minute [49:15] I share a couple of books I'm reading. The first is Covocational Church Planting: Aligning Your Marketplace Calling & The Mission of God by Brad Brisco. This was given to me by Michael Cooper of ValleyLight Church in West Valley City, UT. You can get a copy here.* The second is Philip Yancey's The Jesus I Never Knew. You can get a copy here.*
Send your church planting experiences, stories, anecdotes, and questions to [email protected]. Connect with me further here.
*This is an affiliate link with proceeds going to support our ministry here in Utah.