Where do you stand on “life after death”? In this episode, I’m digging into this thought-provoking, heart-moving topic with my amazing friend, Mollie Morning Star, a painter-turned-medium after she experienced a radical transformation in her life. How do we stay connected with those who’ve passed? Are they really “okay”? Do they know I’m okay? Finding an answer to these questions can be difficult (or damn near impossible), but Mollie, with her profound gifts of spiritual awareness and sensitivity, has aided hundreds of people in bridging the gap between our physical reality and the spiritual. She helps those who are afraid or lost in grief to take a breath, allow the dust to clear and abide in the connection they have with their loved one who has passed, beyond the “veil” of death, so they may find greater acceptance, peace and understanding.
If you’re looking to boost your hope or are searching for deeper understanding about our staying connected to each other, even after death, you’ve tuned in to the right episode.