We rarely toot our own horn. Well, toot mothereffin' toot. Amazing show with JJ Koczan from The Obelisk who we got to talk about staying curious about music from around the world, his involvement in the 1000mods North American tour, being a dad and what's up in the ever changing and ever expanding universe of the worldwide underground stoner/psych movement. Perk up your ears. This one is really fun with eardrum splitting riffage from Europe to boot!
PLAYLIST:Coccyx - Maurice CanonKing Witch - Full Moon KingBlack Rainbows -ElectrifyLowrider -
Evropa Rawks
Evropa Rawks is your weekly radio transmission dedicated to the best light and heavy artillery riffage from the Old Continent.
Maksim & Martin bring the heat *LIVE* every Sunday on Radio Nope.
14:00 - 16:00 NEW YORK | 19:00 - 21:00 LONDON | 21:00 - 23:00 SOFIA
Podcast Generator 2.6 - http://podcastgen.sourceforge.net
Sat, 02 Apr 2022 02:29:56 -0700
Evropa Rawks
Evropa Rawks is your weekly radio transmission dedicated to the best light and heavy artillery riffage from the Old Continent.
Maksim & Martin bring the heat *LIVE* every Sunday on Radio Nope.
14:00 - 16:00 NEW YORK | 19:00 - 21:00 LONDON | 21:00 - 23:00 SOFIA
Evropa Rawks: Thick accents. Thicker riffs.
Maksim & Martin
Maksim & Martin
[email protected]
Episode #15 - Easter Collision
We're celebrating Easter in Bulgaria, but this show is going to be anything but Godly, we have a noise rock extravaganza planned with Ed Fraser from Heads. who are at the forefront of what's up with noise rock scene in Europe.
We're celebrating Easter in Bulgaria, but this show is going to be anything but Godly, we have a noise rock extravaganza planned with Ed Fraser from Heads. who are at the forefront of what's up with noise rock scene in Europe and especially in Berlin with an excellent new album called "Collider" which can be bought and heard here -> http://headsnoise.bandcamp.comСчастливая Смерть - Двойник
Warhorns - MEAT
HEADS. - Last Gasp Shout
HEADS. - Collider
HEADS. - Youth
Khoy - Whorehouse (IT)
Nitrono Share - La Morte Dio
Orchestra Of Constant Distress - Very Much (Swe)
The Big Naturals - Krautpunk (UK)
Kabul Golf Club - Bits Of Freedom
Special Mention:
Brigante Records & ProductionsRiot Season Records
Charming Man Records