Spring has sprung! The fertility is pungent in the air and we at Explorations are in full bloom. This week's episode covers one of man's oldest pastimes: gardening, the creation of life for sustenance and beauty. It can be thrilling to bring life into existence, and the mental and emotional benefits of gardening are nothing short of astounding once you get in there and start making happen with yoru hands. It can be a tricky business, but luckily ol Leslie (me lol) has some tricks up his sleeves to get your garden blooming, both literally and emotionally speaking this time. I'm also excited to share with you a conversation i had with my garden neighbor, Ray Cartier, who's doing amazing work with the gay teens at the Teen Zone as part of what he calls Gay Reversion therapy.
It's great to speak with you again please call or message me and let me know how i'm doing