The Verbivore talks about how we naturally become habituated to our lives and the idea of dishabituation as a way to keep life fresh and us noticing the good things that are there. This GQ article titled “Why We Get Bored of the Best Things in Life—and How to Fight It” is a pretty good overview and references the book Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There by Tali Sharot and Cass R. Sunstein
In this episode, we reference back to a number of episodes over our almost five years of podcasting. Here are a few:
- Episode 146: Marvel Character Dynamics with MJ McGriff
- Episode 147: Marvel's WandaVision with K.T. Anglehart
- Episode 197: Lord of the Rings Character panel discussion w/ Kieran (Kate) Lamoureux and Stephanie Ascough
- Episode 75: Interview with Tiffany Clarke Harrison (part 1)
- Episode 76: Interview with Tiffany Clarke Harrison (part 2)
- Episode 51: Already Worthy, Already Loved
- Episode 66: Let's talk about Caraval
- Episode 45: The Hate U Give Discussion
- Episode 95: Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
- Episode 241: Diversity in Six of Crows
- Episode 30: Break out of the box with your writing
- Episode 58: Let's talk about Mexican Gothic
- Episode 131: Jurassic Park
- Episode 79: Let's talk about craft books
- Episode 71: Let's talk about writing physical intimacy
- Episode 72: Let's talk about writing physical intimacy (part 2)
- Episode 15: How to write great romantic chemistry
- Episode 16: Writing romantic chemistry part 2
- Episode 211: Rating our Writing
- Episode 215: Things We're Learning About Our Writing
We also touch on the authors that we’ve interviewed and connected with over the course of the podcast and how positive those conversations have been. Here is a link to those episodes:
And here are some of our other milestone celebration episodes:
- Episode 200: Sticking with things
- Episode 150: Hooray for 150 episodes!
- Episode 100: Celebrate and Reflect
Music from:
‘Friendly day’ by Kevin MacLeod (
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