1 Timothy 4:12
W. Timothy Gallwey (quote about being a rose)
Stephen Witt, All Around Me
Dr. Caroline Leaf
Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On
Connected Families, Framework for parenting
The Mom Podcast, Ep 27 Katie Skurja: Drama Rescuing
The Mom Podcast, Ep 30 Cindy Mattson: "Know Yourself to Lead Yourself"
The Mom Podcast, Ep 24 Baxter Kruger: “I am Caroline”
The Mom Podcast, Ep 06 Becoming an Emotionally Safe Parent
I have to be perfect to be good.
I am not good.
I will be enough when I get there
I am not enough because of my gender, race, age, or family history.
I'll be lazy if I believe I'm enough.
I am selfish if I take care of my own needs.
I am “less than.”
My pain disqualifies me and it’s my fault.
Because I have done______one too many times, I’m damaged goods.
Expectations we have that hurt us
“We’re always asking the question, ‘Am I enough?’ Especially in the mom world we struggle to answer the question, ‘Am I enough?’ And when we define it based off of our competencies or unhealthy expectations of ourselves that we can’t live up to, we can feel like what we’re doing is never enough. Who we are is never good enough and that really gets in the way of loving and living fully loved and fully free...It comes back to our identity and our intrinsic value. Because we are humans created in the image of God, we are good.” -Christy
“If something is made in God’s image, it's not trash.” -Christy
“Our imago dei, that is the image of God in us; that is who we are at the core, that is our enoughness.” -Kaylin
“Yes, we are fallen now. Yes, we’re all wounded, we’re all broken, so none of us can escape that. But the image of God is still in us, and the fact that Jesus came to die for us is not what re-creates goodness in us, it's what shows that there was something already intrinsically in us worth dying for and that is our value. Yes we are broken, yes we are wounded. Yes, we needed Jesus to come to re-connect us with the Father, Son, and Spirit. But our intrinsic value is already at infinity and can’t be changed by our woundedness, brought lower by it, or brought higher by our performance.” -Christy
“The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.” -W. Timothy Gallwey
“Our enoughness is not performance based; it’s’ intrinsic.” -Kaylin
“And don’t be intimidated by those who are older than you; simply be the example they need to see by being faithful and true in all that you do. Speak the truth[a] and live a life of purity and authentic love as you remain strong in your faith.” (1 timothy 4:12, TPT)
“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” -Dr. Caroline Leaf
“We model to others how we expect to be treated.” -Christy
“Remember that you’re somebody else’s ‘other.’” -Kaylin
“Hurt people hurt others, so when we have insecurities we kind of leech that onto other people as well. But when we hold high value of ourselves we'll start walking around and seeing the high value of everyone else around us.” -Kaylin
“When we live with that sense of enoughness, that belief that I am enough in terms of my intrinsic value, then we can leave room for growth. We can accept ourselves in the stage, in the process that we’re in and not expect perfection or think we’ll only be enough when we get to some...destination.” -Christy
“Shame hides our intrinsic value from us.” -Kaylin
“You are valuable; you’re worth fighting for.” -Kaylin
“Our expectations can feed us lies.” -Kaylin
“We can have expectations on ourself, and then we can feel the expectations of others on us, which can make us feel like we are not enough.” -Kaylin