Famous When I'm Dead - Where professional creators share with you the tools, so you can thrive... while your'e still ALIVE!
Sarah is the host of the ADHD Artist Podcast where she discusses the experience, strength and hope of creators with ADHD. She is an actor in Chicago and Los Angeles, originally from San Antonio, TX. A been a passionate storyteller since the age of 3, Sarah has been acting professionally since 2011. She loves reading, hearing, and telling stories of all kinds, and finds that it is an amazing tool for connection and empathy.
YouTube Version of the interview HERE
Want to join a supportive community of professional creatives? Go to www.sketcharium.com
You can find Sarah at the links below:
The ADHD Artist Podcast: https://linktr.ee/Theadhdartistpod
Actor website: https://sarahgise05.wixsite.com/sarahgise
Interrobang Theatre Project: www.interrobangtheatreproject.org
Effective Artistry (Coaching and Therapy Practice): www.effectiveartistry.com
You can also find Sarah Or on instagram www.instagram.com/theadhdartistpod/
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Big thanks to Petr Meso for the amazing music, and to our Patrons:
Alfred Reid - @alfierw288art
Chance McGee - @chancemcgeekunst Darren Kennedy - @dkdelicious
Joan Flemming - @caricaturesbyjonifleming
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