September 11, 2021Being with fear, it dissolvesSitting and exploring uncomfortable sensations of experiences in body...more6minPlay
September 06, 2021Working directly at Body, heart, mind and soulRather than escaping away, or finding something to consume - if we work at the fundamental level, we touch freedom and wellbeing....more5minPlay
August 29, 2021Safety comfort and convenience: drugs of SoulA society of addictions, safety as the highest value is limiting and flat. A response to a world where we are not truly alive so we want to live longer and safer....more7minPlay
June 27, 2021All views, held lightlyViews are skilful means, not to formulate a new ego structure around. Thought Is often disembodied, and hence out of true nature. An escape from embodied embedded reality. Stay in the body, it’s the portal to spontaneous expression of true nature....more5minPlay
June 18, 2021Returning from a retreatReflections on surface mind, true nature, source nature....more11minPlay
June 09, 2021Transmission and awakeningTransmission is not one way. Learning occurs in dialectic. And, it’s the bond that’s the teaching. More than the content itself. The frequency of the energetic connection....more11minPlay
May 29, 2021Emerging from Pandemic Bardo: Returning to the DaoThe joy of eating out after 15 months of pandemic. Generosity and being touched by service. Returning to the Dao, the deeper part, over the anxious scattered surface personality....more4minPlay
May 27, 2021Glance of the MoonThe joy of spending extended periods with elements, away from humans. And how it is transformative to the psyche and the sense of self....more4minPlay
May 26, 2021Pain is my teacherPain as the healer. Experience of learning from long deep pain...more3minPlay