HeavyFlow 1 - GIRL is Occupied Index
1:10 Reading from The Rise an Fall of Gay Culture by Daniel Harris
6:10 That time a bunch of men dressed up as women and beat and kicked life sized effigies of a little girl “up and down” the street
9:39 Shout out to Christina Crawford
13:04 That time I said I would look something up to be polite and then didn’t because I really didn’t need to.
14:04 The Vacuum that has been created by the avoidance of the full and complete personhood of people with vaginas (IS THE SPACE) that the transgender agenda has come to fill.
15:10 The conditions under which Kreem will consider being wrong.
15:22 It’s okay that girls don’t want to see your dick.
17:08 That time that I was absent from school and a White teacher in a Catholic school used/objectified me as an example in a lesson to my class.
20:23 A bit on how Dr. Joy DeGruy participates in the degradation of biracial and lighter brown Black people. I like the book, I learned a lot but she shits on those of us with light skin.
22:25 Shout out to the Yazidi people
23:27 I believe the transgender condition is real. I also believe that everything that is real can be explained and authenticated. So...?
24:36 Maybe I’m really a fucking man because I don’t want fabric up my ass. #BoxerBriefs
27:03 If we’re going to sterilize girls who say they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies we should have a serious talk about how profoundly uncomfortable “girl’s” clothes are.
28:44 I like to rub my eyes.
33:02 I guess I meant “charged as an adult” because America loves to incarcerate kids.
33:52 What’s a bitch got to do for free implants?
35:47 How Universal Healthcare and public/free college are anti-slavery measures and that’s why Massa says no.
36:42 People don’t actually want to go back to work… Duh.
38:24 Or school… Duh
39:11 I loved Indian Jones!
42:38 I want the names of the unaltered, old, over weight women experts who are invited to be seen heard on the news.
48:15 Think break after which I lie about being ready to conclude
48:44 99 year plan for Gender Inclusiveness
50:24 Prepare to be prepared.
51:34 That time that I called Trevor Noah a bitch even though I’m a fan.
52:12 The Ladies Room is also a refuge. Or was.
57:50 You’re welcome to take your own seat at the table.
58:24 Race is the “assignment”, not gender.
60:16 Momism - sloppy rant
64:12 There’s no space left within this identity for people with dicks.
67:15 Womanhood as a blank screen upon which to project yourself.
68:13 My impression of pedophiles voting.
68:38 Walmartisian? The Walmartisian aesthetic.
69:44 The part where my foolish concern over what other people might think made me loose my train of thought.
71:58 Shout out to all the lesbians who don’t like dick. #KeepinIt100
72:12 Dressing as a woman was once used to help shield gay men. Now dressing as a woman is being used to shield pedophiles.
73:04 I realize 18 is legally an adult but these people are teenagers.
73:05 Kris Jenner’s kids weren’t fuckable enough for her.
77:15 That time that I fucked up and had to catch myself real quick.
78:52 I stay getting accused of body shaming. Shrug.
79:20 I can see you with my eyes so…. Shrug.
86:35 “Trans Science”? Show your work!!
87:28 That’s essentially what it is.
88:30 Yay Breeders!!
92:20 In Iran, changing your sex cures homosexuality.
99:32 That AfroPunk gender neutral bathroom story.
101:24 Beat Challenge - HOOK IT UP!!
102:1 That time when I had to work out “phobia” from scratch.
104:03 No room for dick in girlhood because we’re full of other things.
106:15 None of the people I’m shouting out condone or approve of or support my work. They don’t even know I exist and might not enjoy my work if they did.
108:15 Battle cry!