I’ve always lacked the nerve to meet my heroes and had always believed that you should never meet them. Then I met my Husband whose love of The Cure led to precious time spent with the band over the last 30+ years, which makes me question my stance on this. The Cure are icons and are also surprisingly lovely. I would love to bake them a cake… again.
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This episode is extra special because it features an interview with my Husband Chris White, co-author of The Cure’s official fanzine Cure News. Chris has known the band since 1985 and, along with Janie Webber, worked tirelessly to share their incredible access to the band with fans across the world in the days before the internet and social media made these things instant and easy.
This episode is a love letter to the band and to the fans, friends that I have made along the way.
You can read the original blog post that inspired this episode here: I Would Love to Bake a Cake for… Robert Smith
You can get my recipe for the Victoria Sponge that I would bake for The Cure here: Victoria Sponge Cake
You can listen to the exclusive playlist that Chris has curated (Cure-ated?) for you on Spotify by clicking here or streaming below:
It’s the perfect introduction to the band if you have only ever listened to Friday I’m In Love on the radio. Believe me, The Cure are so much more than their biggest commercial hit – even though it is a brilliant tune!
Share far and wide and tell everyone that you know and don’t forget to let me know who YOU would love to bake a cake for on social media using the hashtag #fantasybakes
Stay gorgeous!