"Punching Out" by Jenni Stukin and Ruby Fink is a dark comedy that combines office humor with a zombie apocalypse twist, focusing on Rosie, a young woman excited for her last day at work before opening her dream pet bakery. Alongside her is Clea, a loyal friend harboring unspoken romantic feelings for Rosie. Just as the office begins planning Rosie’s farewell, a radio broadcast announces an alarming zombie outbreak. The quirky office crew—optimistic pacifist Atlas, sarcastic and gruff Melby, bold and witty Marge, and awkward, hopeful Dave—must abruptly shift gears, transforming from lighthearted coworkers into reluctant survivalists. Under Melby’s assertive leadership, they barricade the doors, scramble to create makeshift weapons, and brace themselves for whatever the apocalypse throws their way.
Written by Jenni Stukin and Ruby Fink
Hannah Edelson, as Rosie
Violet Fink as Clea
Corey McCarey as Dave
Chris Jowers as Atlas
Bethany Murray as Marge
and Jonathon Garret Swenson as Melby, Rob and Zombies
Sound Mixing and Editing by Ruby Fink
Artwork by Violet Fink
SFX from Freesound.org
Music by Shiver and Yeobo