On this episode, Propel Productions brought guests, Mike Jones and Justin Leach to have a candid conversation around black men and mental-emotional health. We take a look at some triggering situations in our community and how black men handle their feels.
Be sure to follow all of our podcasts members on social media:
Lauren Jones - Executive Director of Propel Productions Center
@propelproductionscenter @remixrage_smashroom Website: www.propelproductionscenter.org
IG: @jarrellthagriot @Enter_ThaGriotsphere
IG: @_jmikey @livethesloth Website: livesloth.square.site
IG: @j_jamal25 TikTok: @justinleach1986 Website: www.napierleachconsulting.com
PPC 🧡💚💙 🎬👣📚🍴📷🎨🌿🧱🎶🎙✏ #propelproductionscenter #minoritymentalhealthawareness #minoritymentalhealthmatters #communitymentalhealth #nohealthwithoutmentalhealth #bodykeepsthescore #healthyanger #angerishealthy #copingwithanger #emotionalbaggage #feelingtriggered #triggerwarning #feelthefeels #podcast #podcastingwhileblack