Sara Olivia Garcia is a first-generation American with deep family roots from Mexico. At 86 years of age, she has an incredible life story to share with us, and opens up in a deep conversation about how family and career choices can change the trajectory of your life’s path.
Her mother and grandparents fled Mexico during the revolution when Pancho Villa was making it dangerous to stay in their country. They left quickly with only the clothes on their backs and what they could carry in their arms. They settled in El Paso and attempted to build a new life. Their hearts and spirits were broken with the reality of starting over and nothing was quite the same. As Sara Olivia grew up as young girl, she would listen to stories from her grandmother and learn about her Mexican heritage and daydreamed about what life would’ve been like if they hadn’t been forced to leave.
Sara Olivia married and raised 5 children while traveling around the world with her husband who was a U.S. Army Lieutenant. Life in the military and having to move often was not easy for her and the family. When finally feeling empowered to begin college classes as a mature adult, her goals and focus shifted in a new and refreshing way as she engaged in deep critical thinking. Knowledge and learning brought her much joy, and later it created many opportunities for her career pathway.
She holds teaching certifications in regular, special education, and bi-lingual education in Spanish, with her special expertise in the area of children with learning differences. Sara has over 25 years of experience teaching at-risk students in regular and Special Education in Elementary, Middle and High School in Tucson, Arizona, Boston, Massachusetts and the South Bronx, New York. Her teaching experience includes staff development for teachers in low-performing schools, as a National trainer for the Efficacy Institute, Inc., where the mission is to debunk the myth of the social construction of intellectual inferiority among people of color. She also developed and facilitated culturally appropriate education workshops for parents of diverse populations. Her Doctoral work at Fielding Graduate University focused on identifying Indigenous people’s wisdom and worldview on care of planetary resources as part of character education and development.
Sara is a proud mother, grandmother and great grandmother who is actively involved in her family’s lives.