Kristopher Espiritu - Filipino American outdoor education enthusiast, knowledge sponge, and reluctant savorer of trail mix - joins us on the dance floor for the 5th episode in this season. On his way to become certified in helping others utilize the replenishment nature offers, Kristopher tells us of his journey to where he is, sharing parts of his experience he rarely shares: the expectations of immigrant parents, his anxiety and mental wellness, failures and successes in and out of nature, and how psychedelics truly expanded his perception. Come join us!
CONTENT ADVISORY: depictions of alcohol and drug use.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Podcast: The Fifth Dimension - Compassionate Growth with Kris Espiritu
Book: Nature Fix by Florence Williams
Website: Environmental Education Certification with California AEOE (Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education)
Website: JRNI (pronounced journey) Life Coaching
Website: Forest & Nature Therapy