There's a very real possibility that in the next 100 years what it means to be human will fundamentally change because of AI and robotics.
Yes, what it means to be human has changed throughout history but in terms of our basic biology it's been essentially the same for 10s of thousands of years.
Now it is poised to change significantly in the coming couple of centuries.
Biology is central to our health and fitness practices, so it stands to reason that if our biology changes our health and fitness outlook will change.
In this episode James and Robby explore the following questions related to this idea of "the last of the humans".
As we see it there are four main possible scenarios that humans will encounter in the next two centuries each with it's own unique implications for health and fitness.
Option #1: Complete Extinction:
-No biological human beings exist anymore. Think Terminator, only no humans are left at all.
Option #2: Human Beings Coexist with Machines:
-Genuine biological human beings coexist with “inorganic minds” (Think Star Trek, Halo, the Matrix, Blade Runner etc.)
Option #3: Human Beings merge with machines but still exist in a physical form
Think the Borg from Star Trek, Cable from X-Men, or Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Here there is still a physical human that has merged with some form of technology.
Option #4: Superintelligence
Think Joaquin Phoenix’s “Her” (sort of-humans still exist in that one). The idea here is biological humans are gone and our consciousness is purely digital 0s and 1s. There’s no “friction” with the physical world anymore. Immortality and freedom from “dependence on the body” has been achieved.
Obviously, every single one of these is a massive change from the world as we know it today.
James and Robby explore these scenarios and their implications for health and fitness as we know it.
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