When we think about robots, most may think about their Roomba or something along the line of a car factory. But robots are also finding their way onto farms. In this episode, we find out how robots have been milking cows in Canada for over 20 years, and how another Canadian company hopes their robot revolutionizes how grain is grown.
In this epsiode:
Tony Brazda, Lely Canada: https://www.lely.com/ca/en/
Norbert Beaujot, DOT: https://seedotrun.com/
Leah Olson, DOT: https://twitter.com/olsonleah
A video on how dairy robots operate on a farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_GLQADA0G4&t=
A video on how DOT operates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQUZjldryZ8