Industrial agriculture often neglects biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems. Food forests, on the other hand, are species-rich and full of life. Unlike natural forests, food forests are mainly composed of perennial edible plants, including trees and shrubs with edible fruits. They are self-sustaining, productive, and relatively inexpensive to manage.
Could food forests be replacing part of our conventional agriculture?
Tune in to find out what food forests are, how they are designed, and whether they present a scalable solution.
Article by Lina Dilly
Read by Inés Oort Alonso
Graphics by Eloise Adler
Sound Design by Jane Alice Liu
Read the full article 'Food Forests | Sustainable Agriculture, Nature’s Way'
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Reconnect to the origins and future of your food. FoodUnfolded is powered by EIT Food, an extended body of the EU.
This project is co-funded by the European Union.