Welcome back! In this weeks episode, I’m talking with Zack Wyatt, Founder and President of the Carolina Farm Trust, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works to establish and support a regional food system beginning with the farmer. This work contradicts systems, industries and interests that fuel our current global food system. As you might imagine, this is not an easy mission.
In this episode we discuss what happens between farmers and our plates, why it is increasingly vital that we rely on local food, the outlook and obstacles of farming with a changing climate, the best ways to support local food, the biggest barriers to the success of an all-local food chain, and more!
Carolina Farm Trust - https://carolinafarmtrust.org/
The Carolina Jubilee Food & Music Festival (SEPT 27-28) - https://thecarolinajubilee.org/
Rowland’s Row Farm - https://rowlandsrowfarm.com/
Two Pigs Farm - https://www.facebook.com/TwoPigsFarm
Your Mom’s Doughnuts - https://www.yourmomsdonutsnc.com/
Big Oak Farm - http://bigoakfarmnc.com/
Lomax Farms - https://www.carolinafarmstewards.org/lomax-farm/
Lucky Clays - http://luckyclaysfarm.com/
100 Gardens - https://sharecharlotte.org/nonprofit/100-gardens
West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition- Seeds of Change - https://www.charlotteagenda.com/45622/west-boulevard-grocery-co-op/
Sustainability Village at JCSU - https://www.jcsu.edu/about/new-construction/sustainability-village2
Out Teach - https://www.out-teach.org/
RAFI - https://rafiusa.org/
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association - https://www.carolinafarmstewards.org/
Friendship Gardens - http://friendship-gardens.org/
JT Williams Montessori - https://williamsmontessori.com/
Urban farm at Aldersgate - http://urbanfarmataldersgate.org/
Mecklenburg County Beekeepers Association - http://www.meckbees.org/
Blue Barn Jelly and Hot Sauce - http://bleubarnbistro.com/
Barbee Farms - http://www.barbeefarms.net/
Davidson Farmers Market - http://www.davidsonfarmersmarket.org/
Matthew Farmers Market - https://www.matthewsfarmersmarket.com/
Crown Town Compost - https://www.crowntowncompost.com/
Heirloom Restaurant - https://www.heirloomrestaurantnc.com/
Cotswald Farmers Market - http://cotswoldfarmersmarket.com/