Welcome to Episode 4 of For The Sender: Love Letters from Vietnam, a true story told week by week about an incredible correspondence into the past between a daughter, Jennifer, and her dad, Sergeant John Fuller, who was stationed in Vietnam in 1968. If this is your first time listening, you may want to check out the previous episodes first, since the story unfolds one episode after another. You can find those by going to forthesender.com, scrolling down, and clicking on ‘podcast.’ Or you can subscribe to the For The Sender podcast on iTunes.
In this episode, I take you on my own sort of time travel, as I start learning more about one of the most tumultuous eras in our history by putting myself into the hearts of several different major characters from 1968. I literally drop down into the huge important scenes from our history and show you through these characters eyes what the landscape looks like.
Whoever posts to the Alex Woodard Facebook page or the For The Sender Facebook page first, with who these characters actually are (their names), will get a signed copy of For The Sender: Love Letters from Vietnam.
So stay with me through this as I become these different characters, because in this episode I also really become Sergeant John Fuller and put myself in his heart and behind his eyes and sing one of my favorite songs from the For The Sender: Love Letters from Vietnam album.
And yes, there is an album. I’ve gotten a few emails from folks who have just started listening and are wondering if the songs that they’re hearing are available. This is story with a soundtrack… it’s a book and album package that has already been released. It’s called For The Sender: Love Letters from Vietnam and it’s available at. Proceeds go to veterans causes featured throughout the book, which you’re listening to right now. So you can also just keep on listening.
Onward to Episode 4, which starts with Jennifer answering another letter back in time that her dad sent to her mom, Rebecca, in 1968. And in this letter, her dad references an ‘offensive last January’, which is the Tet Offensive, and that inspired me to learn more about that era and put myself behind the eyes of these different characters in history.
So… I’ll see you on the other side.