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By Dave Neill & James Botting
The podcast currently has 33 episodes available.
WE ARE BACK!!!!! After an important but unplanned break, Dave and James have returned fresh and ready to dish out some more great advice during these time. Take a break is highly under rated in this current climate, but may just be what you need.
Give this a listen and help support our channel, we just hit 1000 DOWNLOADS!!!!
Thank You All So Much!!!!!
Our first program review and what a dilemma it was. The Social Dilemma has cause quite a stir recently and has opened all of peoples eyes up to the world we live in. Our tech controls our lives to the point some people do not know what it means to live, whilst other thrive by knowing that tech is there to be use by us not against us.
Interesting talking points in this episode that really question our every day choices. Have a listen and tell us what your thoughts are.
It's our first joint interview of the series with Francis Daniels aka @frans_dansx and we are talking about Francis's journey from cancer patient, to pro model at the turn of this year. Francis has a flow and confidence about him which helps him stand out from the crowd and in this episode he gives some great advice on how to over come your demons and achieve what ever you put your mind too.
It's never too late to start and now is always the right time.
In this episode Dave and James talk about how jealousy and insecurities can stop you from progressing and how they can also affect you from external sources. It's dangerous and damaging but the guys tell you how to identify it, most importantly in yourself and how also to deal with it in other people.
Another great episode which really tugs on the emotion heart strings and is relatable to everyone who listens.
We all do it and now its our turn..... In this episode Dave & James have a rant about all things happening in the world and get a few things off our chest. The negativity in the world sucks us all in but its our duty to off load that in a constructive way and not go to war with each.
A different kinda episode but as always we put out forward thinking spin on it to make it relevant to the show..... Dont worry we ain't just moaning
In this episode Dave and James talk about the power of breaking down big goals into bite size piece and by taking smaller steps, with a little added patience, you can achieve even your wildest of dreams.
In this episode Dave & James speak about their experiences of carry around their past problems "old baggage"and highlighting just how heavy it can be. The key teachings in this episode is learning to drop your old baggage and leave it behind. Take the lessons with you but leave behind the emotion attached to it. It's far too heavy and will not serve you in the future.
How much more lighter would you feel if you could release all your old baggage?
In this episode Dave talks with Lexi Luxe, a professional cover girl, playboy model, social media influencer, clip producer and photographer. We try and uncover the reasons behind the stigma that the glamour world faces and how people can start "forward thinking' to change their mindset towards it in order to stop people feeling alienated or trolled.
Life is too short to judge others for what they do for a living. The glamour world isn't going anywhere and it is part of your every day life.
Remember in the film "The Devil Wears Prada" Miranda owns the lead by explaining exactly how that blue sweater was chosen by the very people in that room..... Yeah the glamour industry is telling what to wear, buy and idolise, you just don't even realise.
One of my favourite episodes so far by far.....
In this episode Dave introduces the Forward Thinking Podcasts new CO HOST James Botting.
Dave & James have known each other for a few years and these guys have made a huge impact on each others lives. They talk about a few examples of why Forward Thinking works and where you can expect the podcast to go in the future.
The Forward Thinking Brand is moving forward and with the addition of James we hope hope you get even more out of the show......
In this episode Dave talks about how people handle pressure differently. Whether it be fight or flight, or burning up under the pressure, Dave helps you work out the best ways to deal with it. Most problems are not as bad as they seem, they just feel this way. Life is full of pressure and stressful situations, your success lays in how you manage you emotions and the problems at hand....
Can You Handle The Heat?
The podcast currently has 33 episodes available.