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Homilies preached by Fr Luke Goymour at St Mark's Catholic Church, Holy Family Catholic Church and St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Church, Ipswich Suffolk, UK. Fr Luke is a parish priest and chaplain to t... more
FAQs about Fr Luke's Homilies:How many episodes does Fr Luke's Homilies have?The podcast currently has 254 episodes available.
June 23, 2024How is it you have no faith? Homily for 12th Sunday Yr BFaith is tested in the storms of life. But God is always present....more14minPlay
June 16, 2024The kingdom starts with us! Homily for 11th Sunday in OT Yr BWe meet Christ in stillness and the silencence of prayer. Unless we have met Christ we are unable to offer him to others...more14minPlay
June 09, 2024Pride the cardinal sin! Homily for 10th Sunday Year BHomily for 10th Sunday Yr B...more16minPlay
June 02, 2024You are what you eat! Homily for Corpus ChristiWhen we come to the Eucharist we feed on Jesus in order to become evermore, his living body, the Church in the world....more15minPlay
May 19, 2024"Receive the Holy Spirit" Homily for PentecostPentecost continues for us today!...more13minPlay
May 12, 2024Consecrate them in the Truth! Homily for 7th Sunday of Easter Yr BTruth matters. As disciples of Christ we are to be servants of Truth...more16minPlay
May 05, 2024Love one another as I have loved you! Homily for 6th Sunday of Easter YrBThe measure that we are loved by Christ is the measure by which we are to love others....more13minPlay
April 28, 2024Let your love be real and active: Homily for 5th Sunday of Easter Yr BAs disciples we are called to love and bear fruit in the world. We can only do this if we are united to Christ...more12minPlay
April 22, 2024Called by the Beautiful Shepherd: Homily for Good Shepherd SundayHomily for Good Shepherd Sunday, given at the Transform Ministries Retreat at Clare Priory....more15minPlay
April 14, 2024You are witnesses to this! Homily for 3rd Sunday Yr BWe are called to be witnesses to the Risen Lord....more13minPlay
FAQs about Fr Luke's Homilies:How many episodes does Fr Luke's Homilies have?The podcast currently has 254 episodes available.