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Homilies preached by Fr Luke Goymour at St Mark's Catholic Church, Holy Family Catholic Church and St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Church, Ipswich Suffolk, UK. Fr Luke is a parish priest and chaplain to t... more
FAQs about Fr Luke's Homilies:How many episodes does Fr Luke's Homilies have?The podcast currently has 254 episodes available.
April 07, 2024God is Mercy! Homily for Divine Mercy SundayOn this Second Sunday of Easter we celebrate the mercy of God....more14minPlay
March 28, 2024Maundy Thursday Homily"I have given you an example" "Do this in remembrance of me"...more14minPlay
March 17, 2024Planted in Christ: Homily for 5th Sunday of Lent Yr BWe are called to let go and let God! To plant ourselves in Jesus Christ and water the seed of faith with prayer, sacraments and penance....more14minPlay
March 03, 2024The Holiness of God, the ugliness of sin. Homily for 3rd Sunday of Lent Yr BTolerance is a modern virtue. But Jesus is anything but tolerant. We, too, are called to be radically intolerant of sin!...more17minPlay
February 25, 2024The Love of God: Homily 2nd Sunday of Lent Yr BGod loves us, utterly and completely....more12minPlay
February 18, 2024A Season of Joy: Homily for 1st Sunday of Lent Yr BAs we enter Lent we are reminded of baptismal vocation to be missionary disciples and spread the gospel of joy....more12minPlay
February 11, 2024Homily for 6th Sunday Yr BJesus on the margins: As followers of Jesus, we are called to minister to those on the edge of society with the joy of the gospel....more12minPlay
FAQs about Fr Luke's Homilies:How many episodes does Fr Luke's Homilies have?The podcast currently has 254 episodes available.