Today my guest speaker is Susan Hum a dear friend of mine & the founder of the Steel Rose movement. Today we speak about the disconnection to self in todays technology, how we are in a whirlwind of analysis paralysis. We are going along completely unaware of "information overload" that we are lost. This can lead to a spiral of burnout, anxiety & depression. We talk about coming home to our truth, connecting with nature and community and how we can anchor in on ourselves without constantly being in a state of fight of flight and on adrenal overload to a place of well just "Being" so we can hone in on our intuition, creativity and really utilising our problem solving skills.
Susans Rose Steel movement is all about taking a step to being your authentic self, owning your truth & sharing your voice. Susan states the Steel Rose movement is all about falling so deeply in love with yourself that everybody else won’t resist falling in love with you too, and the universe will just take over from there. Our goal is to help you make better decisions in order to move you through major shifts very quickly to achieve the results you want, whatever those results might be.
Steel Rose is a movement and conscious leadership platform for all women who are inspired to create the life of their dreams. Our mission is to innovate love consciousness in the world by narrowing all divides in society, whether between women, men and women, races or cultures, identity preferences, or personal beliefs . The Steel Rose way is defined by women who have overcome life’s greatest challenges and emerge with the inner strength to thrive under any condition and environment. A Steel Rose can respond and no longer merely reacts. You can find Susan and the Steel Rose movement at and at