We're thrilled to welcome back author Alexander Freed to celebrate his triumphant return to Star Wars publishing after four years with “THE MASK OF FEAR.” We dive into the timely political scene of the Empire's early reign, the promise of peace in a war-torn galaxy, the complex journeys of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, & Saw Gerrera, and much more.
This interview is spoiler-free, so if you haven't read the book and are just looking to join the hype train, this episode is safe!
Website: http://www.friendsoftheforcepod.com
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/friendsoftheforce
Bluesky: https://tinyurl.com/36zwf8ay
Thank you to all of our Patrons, including our Luminous Beings: Brian, Emma, Jenn, Jules, Lucy, Ruth, Soulcatcher, Travis, and Tom.
#StarWars #TheMaskOfFear #Andor