Join me in this powerful episode where Registered Nurse and Coach Thomas Garvin, aka Tommy Allgood, discusses what it was like growing up in a ‘puritanical’ religion, realizing he was different, and having to reconcile being ex-communicated due to this difference. Through this loss of religion of origin and subsequent darkness, Tommy found community, acceptance, and love. This one is a great lesson in stepping into analytical and introspective thought while at the same time learning how to let thoughts go in order to reach mind, body and spiritual freedom. You don’t want to miss this one!
Tommy Allgood a.k.a Thomas Garvin is a Registered Nurse based in Charlotte, NC. He currently works in Critical Care at a major Research and Trauma Center and is the owner and founder of Tommy Allgood Coaching and Consulting. He has a passion for helping individuals to develop a practice of Zooming in and out of their road blocks and mental obstacles to figure out the best way to develop resilience in the face of adversity and resistance. He also works with organizations to create cultures that are people centered and compassion oriented, breaking down what it means to be in authentic service to communities. He recognizes that when we value those around us and practice from an abundance mindset, we have no choice but to be successful. He is a member of the Critical Care Nurses Association and the Holistic Nurses Association. His current work includes advancing holistic medicine in Hospital settings with an emphasis on the mind, body, spirit connection and sharing his knowledge based with organizations so that they foster healthy people and healthy environments. He also has a passion for spiritual connection, growth, and emotional vulnerability. He speaks and writes frequently on topics like oneness, connection, ego, and community. Thomas is gifted at taking taboo topics and creating space to have nuanced, thought-provoking discussions, with the goal of growth, understanding, and acceptance. His coaching utilizes elements in nature, various cultures, and his personal spiritual journey to draw on aspects that connect us to each other and the things not seen.
Key Takeaways from this episode:
* Learn the difference between an ‘affirming,’ ‘non-affirming’ and ‘welcoming’ spiritual community
* How do we move beyond tolerance into community
* Shifting his thought process from ‘are the things I was taught worth holding onto or holding me back?’
* If you want to make a change, look at your inner-circle
* Why the statement “You have to do the internal work to get the external result” blew me away
* How breath work and meditation led to a huge shift in his process (Hint: Richard Rohr, Franciscan Priest, helped him get there)
* We are human doings rather than human beings - how do we return back to just ‘being’
* Find out how a plant spirit medicine practitioner helped Tommy see the connection of all
* Emotions are energy in motion - the more we hold onto these, the more it leads to dis-ease (let them go in a healthy way!)
* Hold onto the teachers in your life!
* Be sure to tune in to his final message - it’s a deep one!!
* @watershed
* Tommy’s website:
From Mourning To Action: Powerfully Working Through Loss is a podcast based on Dr. Damon Silas’s first two books - From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss; and What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways To Get Unstuck in Your Life Now! In these books, Dr. Silas discusses the various losses he has experienced (and not just death), how he has personally worked through these losses; and what he has noticed professionally as a psychologist and coach that has proven helpful for clients and patients as they work through their own losses. You can find either book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any other platform that offers...