Today I have my first special guest with me, Amanda J. Winter! In this episode we discuss:
*Her writing/querying journey (2:43)
*Her current WIP and the inspiration behind it (5:49)
*Drafting vs. revising and plotting vs. pantsing (spoiler: Amanda loves revising and is a pantser! "I'm trying to be a plotter... it's not really working.")
*The way she finds inspiration through TV shows (She has an idea for an Anne of Green Gables-inspired fantasy! "This would be a cool idea, if I mixed this and this...")
*The rabbit hole of Pinterest inspiration boards (14:00)
*Her advice for querying writers (16:45)
*The sad state of our Goodreads challenges (Amanda only read 8 books in 2020 x_x) (24:30)
*Fancast the characters in your WIP! (28:23)
*Draft lengths (Amanda drafts LONG, Jenna drafts short) (32:00)
*The query letter struggle bus (34:00)
*Amanda is drawing a map for her WIP... it is not going well (38:00)
*Chloe Gong, author of THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS and the upcoming OUR VIOLENT ENDS (11/16/21) and FOUL LADY FORTUNE (Fall 2022).
-Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @thechloegong
*Erin A. Craig (GIF aesthetics), author of HOUSE OF SALT AND SORROWS and the upcoming SMALL FAVORS (7/27/21).
-Twitter/Instagram: @Penchant4Words
Follow Amanda J. Winter on social media:
*Twitter/Facebook/Instagram: @ajwinterbooks
Follow me on social media:
*Twitter: @JennaDeVillier
*Facebook/Instagram: @jennadevillierwrites
Episode 3 will be released on May 4! I hope you join us. As always, stay inspired, and happy querying!